Rainfall Wash & Clean

timelapse photography of water dropsTha dullup! ta dullup! tat! tat! tat! 
The rain falls at it own pace and rhythm 
Sometimes peaceful. Other times mean and unpredictable.

Tha dullup. ta dullup. tat! tat! tat!
If it is silent, is it really rain? 
A coolness overcomes me as I let the rhythm in.

Tha dullup. ta dullup. tat. tat. tat.
The sound is steadier now. 
Settled into a smoother pattern.

Tha dullup. ta dullup. tat. tat. tat?
Has been replaced with 
A richer sound indicating everything is wet.

Tha dullup! ta dullup! tat! tat! tat! 
Just a memory of the beginning 
Of the current downfall. Wash and clean.

Wash and clean.
time lapse photography of water hitting left palm