It Is Already Here

I sit in your glory feeling your presence. I am at once calmed and strengthen. I am filled with all that I need to that which is mine to do. Because I am I know the peace of the Christ and the love of the virgin. I am living a life of unimaginable possibilities. I am. I am. I am.

I let myself be aware of your presence, your guidance. I am open the the abundance of wisdom available to everyone.

Start Your Day With Reminders Of Goodness

Start your day with reminders of the goodness in life. The morning mist, the sun kissing the morning dew. Reflections of life in each droplet, the chill of the night retreating in the light of the new day. This is one way to start your day. This is one memory or a hodgepodge of visions each with it’s own beauty.

Start your day with reminders of goodness.

A Little Bit Of Willingness

Your willingness suggest your desires.

Dear God, divine spirit everywhere present, source of all knowledge and wisdom. I acknowledge my connection to you in prayer. I am grateful for your constant presence in my life, in all life. Some days I pray simply to remind myself.

When challenges pop up during the day, I close my eyes and feel Spirit with me. In moments the tightness in my chest disappears because I know we are greater than this moment. There is a spiritual solution to every issue. This is how I find joy in the moment.

By finding God in the moment.


Even Before I Ask

Entering into prayer, I leave my worries at the the door.

I am grateful. God is everywhere presence. This is my moment to acknowledge and remember. This is my moment to give thanks for God and the angels guiding me through my life.

I ask for guidance, divine interventions, peace in my heart, forgiveness, healing and to be more loving. I know Spirit already knows what I need, even before I ask. Still, I make my request. Keeping still my heart. I feel my soul full of light and warmth. I am grateful for this moment apart from the world in my inner chamber just me and God.

Today’s Journey

I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm for the spirit of the lord is always with me. There will be flow as I go through the day. There will be hills to climb, just like on a run some will leave me spent. Some trails will be rocky.

During today’s journey, I might feel alone and frustrated. I might feel lifted on angels wings. I accept those situations are part of the journey—part of mortality. The experiences of today’s journey expand my soul and provide kindling for the fire within.

God is with me, I feel it in my thoughts and through out my body. Filled with joy I am prepared for the day ahead.


Everywhere Present

Dear God,

Spirit everywhere present.

I take the time to pause and pray from the divine present within. That essence that is me, that essence that is Us.

I am remind myself of our oneness and that light within that is available to everyone. It gently nudges and warms my body. It envelopes my vibrations and intentions for the day. I am prepared to do great works. Guide me with unexpected miracles.

Thank you, God for everything.

Me Too, You Too

The same I am spirit that was in Jesus The Christ is in me.

I am aware of that strength that surpasses understanding

The miracle I experience on a daily basis.

It is from this deep soul awareness that I reach for forgiveness, love and wisdom. I pray for you my beloved that you clear a path to your soul. Touch that light within and joyously experience pieces of your miracle, today.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Clarity and Guidance

I am grateful for the options of life in front of me. I do not take for granted all of the amazing blessings of my life.

I recognize all of my needs are met and my dreams fulfilled. I am at one with you, God. I know you are aware of my needs even before I ask.

In this moment with clear thoughts, I ask for and accept direction, clarity of thought and guidance to resolve the issues of the day.

How grateful I am to have an unobstructed channel to you, God.

I release these words to the Universe, that they come back fulfilled to overflowing.

Simple thoughts

Living life from dreams making decisions

At each step of the journey

Knowing God from that deep level within by the same light that was in Jesus

Karma has shifted as I have learned to shift my attentions

Simply focus on the best possible outcome and trusting the universe to deliver. All needs met