Give God A Little Space

Give God A Little Faith

Faith in God is faith in yourself

Let the divine work though you. You can resolve many issues today. It takes patience and faith. It can be faith the size of a mustard seed. Proclaim and claim you good. Stay focused on the outcome. Give God room to work.

Pray, affirm, and let it go. Trust that all things will be resolved for the highest good.

Growing In The Cracks

The sidewalk is cracked allowing some plants weeds to push through was it cracked for the weeds, was it the strength of the plants underneath that forced this one plant through to air—to life. To thrive in foot traffic bring life forward. Or are the cracks just random? Something for the sidewalk owner to focus upon so the sidewalk is never quite perfect. Something for the weed to focus upon as being the perfect place to grow.

What is really important is the focus.

Do not focus on the weeds and the cracks. Instead focus on the larger parts the home, the house all the things that work. The life of that simple weeds demonstrates you will grow through this.

Just keep coming back. Do not deny your pain and anger, but do deny it focus. Focusing on what you want is not spiritual by pass. It is an uplifting example of the things Spirit can do.

To feel good is not a sin. It is the only way to uplift others out of the endless cycle of compassionate empathetic pain. Be compassionate setting an example.

What can you do right now? What do you need right now?

If there is nothing you need right now, be grateful your needs are met. Focus on how great that feels. Relax and just sit in peace knowing your needs are met. Sit in peace knowing God at little deeper appreciating the light within you that glows brightly with the light of the infinite.

Let the rhythm and beats of the vibrations and sounds around you find harmony in that glow. Find a harmony in your surroundings and follow that deeper all glowing and gently moving through your consciousness. Just know. Trust in the divine order of the universe, and pray for the highest good of all concerned.

Find harmony in that glow. Let you inner flame glow. Dance with it.

Challenges Everywhere

A good prayer life helps move the needle on the challenges. A great prayer increases your faith. It is not about getting God on your side. God is already on your side. A great prayer is about acknowledging that God has never left your side. It is as much about remembering as it is about acknowledging where Spirit is in your life.

If the distance between God and you feels great. A couple of moments in prayer can help to close the gap.

The Image And Likeness

Looking for that anchor of good and beauty. Sometimes it is just feeling other times it is more than that. The feeling tone of my oneness with God. It is not a striving. Sometimes it is searching until you just let go from sheer exhaustion and you find the place where it always was is there, where it has always been at the center or your inner chamber.

When you relax into it the ember glows with possibilities and reassurance. Things are always working out for you. You are more than a part of a greater power. You have full access. You are the image and likeness. Capable of great works.

It Is Already Here

I sit in your glory feeling your presence. I am at once calmed and strengthen. I am filled with all that I need to that which is mine to do. Because I am I know the peace of the Christ and the love of the virgin. I am living a life of unimaginable possibilities. I am. I am. I am.

I let myself be aware of your presence, your guidance. I am open the the abundance of wisdom available to everyone.

Start Your Day With Reminders Of Goodness

Start your day with reminders of the goodness in life. The morning mist, the sun kissing the morning dew. Reflections of life in each droplet, the chill of the night retreating in the light of the new day. This is one way to start your day. This is one memory or a hodgepodge of visions each with it’s own beauty.

Start your day with reminders of goodness.

A Little Bit Of Willingness

Your willingness suggest your desires.

Dear God, divine spirit everywhere present, source of all knowledge and wisdom. I acknowledge my connection to you in prayer. I am grateful for your constant presence in my life, in all life. Some days I pray simply to remind myself.

When challenges pop up during the day, I close my eyes and feel Spirit with me. In moments the tightness in my chest disappears because I know we are greater than this moment. There is a spiritual solution to every issue. This is how I find joy in the moment.

By finding God in the moment.


Even Before I Ask

Entering into prayer, I leave my worries at the the door.

I am grateful. God is everywhere presence. This is my moment to acknowledge and remember. This is my moment to give thanks for God and the angels guiding me through my life.

I ask for guidance, divine interventions, peace in my heart, forgiveness, healing and to be more loving. I know Spirit already knows what I need, even before I ask. Still, I make my request. Keeping still my heart. I feel my soul full of light and warmth. I am grateful for this moment apart from the world in my inner chamber just me and God.

Today’s Journey

I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm for the spirit of the lord is always with me. There will be flow as I go through the day. There will be hills to climb, just like on a run some will leave me spent. Some trails will be rocky.

During today’s journey, I might feel alone and frustrated. I might feel lifted on angels wings. I accept those situations are part of the journey—part of mortality. The experiences of today’s journey expand my soul and provide kindling for the fire within.

God is with me, I feel it in my thoughts and through out my body. Filled with joy I am prepared for the day ahead.
